Sunday, February 20, 2011


Robyn and I met CXChris, E, Big Jim and a couple of other guys at Romeo. The wind was in our faces, for Robyn E and I this was a second day of this shit. We had our fair share at the Gimbals ride yesterday. When we got to the park the S&S boys were there already. The turnout was so so, I would guess about 25-30 guys. All the usuals and throw in a RonL3 and we got a ride. Crowell and E started off on rt 10 pushing the pace. It didn't take long for the ride to start the thinning out of the pretenders. The wind was whipping and there was nowhere to hide, so I think everyone at the front just decided to get on with it. The sooner we got to the turnaround the sooner the wind would be at our backs. My legs were pretty good even though I rode hard yesterday so that's a good sign. When we hit the climb after rt42 E and I put in a little dig and then the ride went hard all the way to the light at rt68. The light was green so if you werent in the field you were done for the day. I don't think anyone could catch on in that wind. The way I saw it there were 6 or 7 guy that did the majority of the work. Not in any order RonIII, E, Hunter, Crowell, CXC, Hacker and me. The new guy in the bike rights clothes made a classic rookey mistake as he rode straight in to the parking lot at the chicane. Don't set the pace if you don't know the route. The pace was high all the way past the industrial park, well that is if you were at the front. I did see Crowell directing the way we should rotate with the wind. (Did you have to lick your finger dude?)After the light RonIII put in a dig and Hunter said we had a gap on the field, but it was to far and windy to press the pace so it settled down for a minute. When we hit the false flat after the ski slope, I put in a dig and got a gap. I was alone but I kept a good pace so that the group would keep the pace high and twist some legs. Crowell and CXC were the first across and Crowell was a little tired so I put in another bit and got another gap. I kept it steady past the firing range, RonIII dragged a group across but everyone eased to catch there breath before the turnaround climb. RonIII put in a bid on the climb Crowell and E let him go so I waited a bit then I closed the gap and pushed the pace for the corner. E, Hunter and Crowell came around me at the turn. I wanted to give E a clean ride for the sprint so I went back to the front to keep the pace high. A group of 4 came by be for the sprint. E, Hunter, Hacker and Jiancito. I think Hacker got E at the top? There was a group of 7 over the top I was sitting at the back recovering. I looked back on the downhill and the ride was in splinters. We got the light at Lowe's so that put an end to that. The wind wasn't really a tailwind it was more a cross head tail if that makes sense. The ride was pretty stats quo till we hit rt10 then the pace picked up for the S&S sprint. I would again lead it out for E and he took the prize with room to spare. On our way to the finish RonIII and CXC got a gap but I knew that I could bring them back so I waited to make my last push. I rode E and the usual cast of poachers that like to hide on the last bit of the ride right past the two nohopers. I left him a little far out but I told him he would have to make due. I jumped on the back of the 10 guys that were left. I didn't see the man to BEAT anywhere? I don't remember him taking any death pull at the end what could have happened to him? I looked over my shoulder and there he was about 100 yards OTB the big gun him self Chris Crowell What's the matter Crowell did you not believe in the break or were they going to fast for you?



Anonymous said...

fuck you Rondo, "Pretenders" if your ass was on a ride with better riders you would be off the back too.

Rondo said...

Hummmmmm were are these riders you speak of? I have been doing this ride for 20 years and they havent came yet.

Anonymous said...

all the guys that kick your ass to the curb in races dude.

Rondo said...

I have also done all the rides on the east coast Gimbals, the Drives, Portland Maine. Do you want me to go on?

Rondo said...

Sounds like sombody got dropppppeeddd today.

Anonymous said...

and come july you'll be sucking ass.

Rondo said...

If you say so.

Anonymous said...

Hunter likes to hide to much for me!

Anonymous said...

I don't know.... he must be doing something right. It was actually him blowing everyone away for the turnaround sprint. Hunter by a long shot Jacinto Merrill Hacker

Anonymous said...

Hunter took the turn around sprint.

Anonymous said...

Hunter this hunter that. Dude is kinda a dick if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time he placed in a race? And not a cat3 Ccross race.

Anonymous said...

WOW, sour grapes, dudes.....and the photo is an accurate representation of how I felt.

It's a bike ride, and if you can't have fun you should be doing something else...


Anonymous said...

I did 20 one-legged hill repeats on rt. 322 after this warm-up sleeping giant ride. Then another 20 on Willis street with the other leg.

Eddy A.

Anonymous said...

no shit! why is everyone so angry? Rondo must be rubbing off on everybody. Annon, if you’re going to insult someone at least have the balls to sign your name. One thing about Rondo, he'll sign his name to every insult.

Chris C.

its me dammit said...


Anonymous said...

wast that Julio????

Chris C.

mtn. man john gregory said...

I was alone but I kept a good pace so that the group would keep the pace high and twist some legs. Crowell and CXC were the first across and Crowell was a little tired so I put in another bit and got blown away buy Mountain man (john gregory). He went buy me like i was going backwards,,, and he had no rear shifter, and was stuck on the 11 cogg all the way from the end of Jarvis street.

maybe, I went buy you soo fast you did't even see me.

Anonymous said...

Someone buy Mountain Man J Gregory a beer for today's effort. Was that really Big John today or did i seeing a ghost while in anaerobic shock?

Nice seeing you again Big John.

Eddy A.

Anonymous said...

Today was the 2nd time I rode the bike since Jan 16, the first time was yesterday.
Needless to say, my last "set-back" was unexpected, but in the near future, I'm looking forward to getting more comfort and consistency on the bike. Hate to say it, but I even miss

Big John

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I miss Nick.

Anonymous said...

Fuck all of you. Especially Rondo!


Anonymous said...

Wow . . . How can you be hating on Hunter? He's like the nicest dude in the pack. So what if he doesn't always place, at least he's racing P12 road races. And man, CX is harder than road racing. I may be a newbie, but that's my opinion . . . Yeah, I know, I'm opinionated, but I always sign my name.


PS- Good to hear that John is back on the bike, thanks for the pushes up the turn around over the years. And if he wanted, RL3 would have taken every sprint.

Anonymous said...

who is rl3


Rondo said...

bengay you might want to wipe that off your chin there pal. If ronL3 bla bla bla. Mtb man I saw you but you didnt tell the whole story. You also turned to take the short cut. Not to hard to make an effort when you get a 15 minute rest. And yes i too was in my small ring all the way till S&S.

hunter p said...

Jeez I log on today thinking "26 comments?! Uh oh....benje's power to the people politics hour is back. " . But its actually all entertaining. And its true. I beat Ronnie sprints (and everyone else) going away and I can be a big dick sometimes.

Anonymous said...

once again, "open up your heart and let the hate out"

hunter p said...

Also, I agree. Good to see tall john out. And Mike, how you feeling? Rest up man. Plenty of time to fit around us hacks

Anonymous said...

Get fit I meant

Anonymous said...

Yea, Hunter is a big dick. But so too are the majority of you other creampuffs. Most of you have nothing going on in your lives but trying to be big man at Sleeping Giant ride. What a funkin' hoot! There's a guy who's nearly 70 hangin' on to the back thinking "FU"! God damn bunch of pussies! :)

mtn. man john gregory said...

rondo, I think you might be in need of some new glasses, you also reported, {Crowell and E started off on rt 10 pushing the pace.} I think CC that took the first pull, then I past a Yale wheel sucker and took it to the turn. maybe from your spot someplace in the protection of the pac you missed that.
As for taking a 15 min. rest,,, there was no rest. I past you before the turn, stopped and fixed the problem then headed up west street to join the group.
It seems to me you just can't stand the fact, some old guy sporting mtn. bike shoes can ride a bike.

mtn. man john gregory said...

rondo, I think you might be in need of some new glasses, you also reported, {Crowell and E started off on rt 10 pushing the pace.} I think CC that took the first pull, then I past a Yale wheel sucker and took it to the turn. maybe from your spot someplace in the protection of the pac you missed that.
As for taking a 15 min. rest,,, there was no rest. I past you before the turn, stopped and fixed the problem then headed up west street to join the group.
It seems to me you just can't stand the fact, some old guy sporting mtn. bike shoes can ride a bike.

Anonymous said...

Here's the recap:

-John gregory, and Tall John are awesome.
-Rondo and Hunter are dicks.

-Everyone else on the ride is packfill

-Somewhere else in the world there is a magical group ride where everyone there is waaaayyyyy better than anyone who has ever done the Sleeping Giant ride. (yeah, thats called the protour)

-Everyone on CCNS is waaayyyyy better than anyone on the protour.

-No one on the Sleeping Giant ride has every done well in a race past June unless it was back in the day, and that guy has to now be on the protour.

-SG riders are creampuffs unless you're over 70.

-Its welcome and encouraged to be a monday morning quarterback as long as you post anonymously, especially when you get dropped.

Did I miss anything?

The Crew at Cheshire Cycle said...

Hahahahaha - awesome.... Nope thats everything

The Crew at Cheshire Cycle said...

Oh wait. You missed one thing:
If you didnt buy a S.G. tee shirt from Cheshire Cycling, you are crap.

Rondo said...

Mtb man I didnt know you studdderd when you write.

Anonymous said...

We're cyclist. Why they hell did you make them all in Medium. It's like I'm wearing a moo-moo.


Anonymous said...

Okay, Pete J. is not 70.

Anonymous said...

Putting Hunter and Rondo in the same dick class is just not right. Hunter is just too nice.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Who woke up Gregory? He has written more in this post than he has in the past 10 years.

Go back to sleep!

Chris C.

mtn. man john gregory said...

Wait one minute there cheesecake. I have stayed off the front and out of this shit for a long time. I thought I would kill some time and have some fun with all the big want to bees. E said it right,,, except that part about me.
I love you guys man.

dogman said...

I miss you guys!

Pete J said...

PEte J will see 70 before he sees 60 again.

seems like you guys are having "fun", if thaT's the word for it.

I know you will all hate me, but I'm in SW Florida where it's 81 ans sunny every day. I do some rides with Naples Velo @ 26 mph, but all flat. /Credit to the Giant for getting me ready for this, as I am so old that it makes no sense that I;' doing this stuff.

Pete J

Anonymous said...

I believe Pete is saying "get a life" and a big "FU" to all you creampuffs with the goofy ass SG egos.

Anonymous said...

"SG egos"
That guy gets dropped.

Anonymous said...

No he doesn't. :)