Monday, March 21, 2011

3/21/11 supplemental

Where was I, The doctor had them put 3 iv-s in me they have only used 1 so far I guess the other 2 are there for shits and giggles. Then the put this tph shit in me to break up a clot if there was one. Then about 11 pm they moved me into the ICU when they rolled me in I was like fuck I'm not going home tonight. For the next 8hours I was examined every 15 minutes. By examined I mean dilate my pupils with a police sized false light apparently bigger is better. Then they would scrap a metal thing on the bottom of my feet make me squeeze there hand little shit like that. Until 8am on Sunday. Then they only had to do it every hour. Thankfully the nurse skipped everything but the blood pressure and let me sleep for 2 hours straight. Luckily Robyn came and stayed with me all day long. E, McG, Kiosk and CXChris came down after bethel. Bridget and Pete brought home made chocolate chip cookies and Britney E's girlfriend brought me a Zuiaardis pizza thank God the food here sucks. It was like a big party.Mike was showing the nurses the mangina and Kioski had the lampshade on his head. After they left Robyn and I hung which was nice we don't often get to do that with the three dogs running amuck. Then I had to go get a CT scan at 1030pm (nice)It was a looooonnnnggg day. Then at 6am Bridget (who works here)came in my room and handed me 20oz of love, Starbucks baby. At 8am the fun started, they did an ultra sound of my heart. The tech guy blind sided me and just ripped the chest sticker things off me with out saying anything. After they pulled me off him they put air bubbles though my heart which was weird it felt like soda was injected in to me. Next up on my plate was an ultra sound of my juggler. Then after a brief rest I did the double. CT scan rolled right into a MRI. OH yea at least 3 rounds of blood work. They are running out of places to stick me. When I got back from my MRI Guido was waiting for me. We had a good chat he tried to put some of the techno babel into English for me well as best as a German guy can. He told me that all the test they did were pretty much a non factor and the MRI would be the tail of the tape. Let me tell you guys he wasn't lieing. Now my friends I come to the end of my story and like I tell Robyn when we go see some big holly wood movie. You know the kind where the world is saved and the hero rides off into the sunset. Then I look at her and tell her that that wouldn't happen in real life. In real life the Asteroid hits the earth right were the hero is standing. That's kinda what happened to me this morning. The Neurologist told me that I have a significant blockage in a main artery in the left side of my brain and my life was about to change and not for the good. I guess the butt of the story is I lived my life full throttle for 42 years thinking that I was invincible. When in reality I just got the forearm to the chest. You feel that big boy that life fucking with you. I guess now I regroup and try to get this straightened out. I have a few options and Robyn and I will choose the one that we feel is the best. I would like to thank all you guys who wished me well.

Cao for now
Who am I kidding FUCK YOU


Anonymous said...

all health decisions should b put to a vote on the blog. kinda like hunters with only a few days to vote.

well keep plugging along,

Anonymous said...

I agree. You're an ass. I can't believe I was falling for those last few sentences.

Pete J said...

Hey Rondo, sorry about the gruesome testing and the provisional diagnosis, which is, as you say, a sucker punch to the chest. Having been there a few times myself, I know that comebacks happen. Hey, I'm 77 and still racing.

Pete J

Hunter P said...

Well i'm bummed out

Hunter P said...

when do you head home?

Anonymous said...

Rondo, All the best!! Hang in there. You are in good hands...some of the best Doc's and medicine in the country. Speedy recovery, and I am sure you will be back on the bike in no time!

Peter K.

Rondo said...

I'm getting out today. Guys please don't bombard Robyn with question on the ride tonight. She has been through alot the last few days. I am making her go and keep training she had put to much time and effort into this season to stop now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the Rondo I know would ride tonight

Anonymous said...

Hope it's just a scary movie with a chick flick happy ending. Get well soon!


Anonymous said...

bit of a stretch for some attention

suks heal up

Anonymous said...

....get well...

the colombian.

Anonymous said...

It was a good ride everyone.


Anonymous said...

Shit Rondo! I just found out at the SGR what happened! I am sad to hear about what you are going through! Had I known Rondo I would have come to see you! I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. I will look forward to your return to the SGR. I need someone to yell at me "NO BRAKES NO BRAKES!"

Miguel Torres

CxC said...


Your presence on the ride was missed, but your spirit was still there.


Anonymous said...

Keep us posted. You'll be back soon. Stronger than ever but just as ugly.

Chris C.

the shop said...

Rondo !!
Holy cow man.
I hope you get well soon.

Matthew and the Crew at The Shop

the shop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

WTF! This almost had me feeling for you. But I'm holding out until you kick the shit out whatever is going on. Life can be a bitch at times but you'll grow from this and take on the next stage. There's so much more to life then bike racing... like smoking some good fucking weed. And then chasing it down with great food. And when you're buzzed almost everything taste good. Oh and if CT passes the law for medicinal marijuana you'll have the credentials to be first in line. I've played in the dispensaries in CA and the shit being sold those places is unlike anything you ever dabbled with before. There's a bright side to this already.

Rondo said...

Anon I'm not looking for anyone to feel sorry for me. Truth is I'm just telling my story. I haven't shed one tear over this. I know this I would never run and drown my sorrows with drugs or anything like that. If that's your bag that's cool but I left that shit behind in high school.

Brian Wirtz said...

Good luck Ron and get well soon. Medical issues fucking suck - I should know, I've been dealing with them for about 2 years now. Listen to your docs and take it easy. You have the rest of your life to ride your bike.

Brian Wirtz

Anonymous said...


To bad that Robyn has to suffer through any of it. Love is blind as a bat!