Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Eight years today WOW. Those of you who never saw this guy race should look him up. Nobody went up hill faster or with more style!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Ron. I'll take a boring but clean Cadel evans, or the like, anyday over this coke-head. Pantani was brought back to us....
In Ricardo Ricco!

Rondo said...

Wow!!!!! I'm sure Cadel is clean as a whistle.

CxC said...


Don't spit in the soup of your chosen sport.

With the common knowledge that any professional sport is a business, just admire the participants for what they do on their chosen battlefield, not what they do in their personal time.

Anonymous said...

Well said Chris.

Chris C.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention that doping, in all sports, is encouraged. It's only cycling that is so ruthlessly scrutinized.


Anonymous said...

Tell that to Marion Jones. PB you Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Except in the M45 races.


Anonymous said...

I never said athletes don't get popped. But if you think it's not overtly encouraged then your the idiot, Anon.


Anonymous said...

Who cares about the cocaine.... He was obviously riding dirty, he obviously was devious about it and never owned up to it, and emotionally he couldn't handle being a discovered cheater. The correlation to Ricco is fitting.